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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Living, Breathing Testimony

 Our Christian walk is our responsibility, in the fact that we are to walk by faith and work diligently toward our goal of salvation. We are saved by grace as stated in this verse; "God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God," Ephesians 2:8?. But the Bible also states faith without works is dead. I am not saying that by your works you can earn your own way into heaven, Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6.

 I'm just simply saying that keeping your Christian walk on the straight and narrow will be something you have to work at to achieve. To break it down further we can start by saying we are saved by grace in the fact that Jesus Christ died in our place. He was buried for three days and was resurrected. He was God's perfect lamb; the Holy, one that the prophets of the Old Testament refer to. It took that sacrifice, that perfect spotless without sin sacrifice, from God to save us. If you read in, Gen.-?, you will see that God is making a way for us even after the fall of the first man and woman.

 Here are just some things we are called to do:

To love God

To love each other as ourselves.

To be Holy because He is Holy.

 I believe what the apostles are saying is don't just get saved and sit around like so many, myself included. Get up and go out among others and show them what God has done for you. The thing is that no matter what excuse you can come up with it will not hold water against the things that the Lord has asked us to do concerning this topic. It will be a priority to you if you want it to be. If we read in our Bibles Jesus was always amongst the people sharing God with everyone he encountered along the way. He did not sit idol.

 We should be examples. And those examples should far exceed our homes and the workplace. How do we expect new believers to do these things if it is not modeled for them? Verse Spread the good news? If called is telling you to do something then I encourage you to be courageous and ready to step out in faith but only after you have spent a considerable amount of time in prayer.

 I know how difficult it is, for about ten years I ran from God and what He wanted me to do. I could never wrap my head around how it would all fit together. The home I grew up in didn't go to church. The only thing I knew about God was that His name was attached to curse words. And I will shamefully admit that such words were in my regular vocabulary up until I was about 18 years old. I didn't know that God really existed, nor did I know that what I was doing was wrong. The worst part was that noone told me that I could go to hell for living this way.

 It scares me when I look back over my life and see how easily God could have left me in my condition. Thank God for the people who not only live by the word, but also worked in, and shared the word to the lost. I know I was a very lost individual. But God started placing people in my life, that would help Him change the course of direction for me.