And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3 NIV
What does this passage mean? This passage tells us that we should humble ourselves before the Lord and become unassuming as a child would. To become more Christ-like and advance further in our Christian walk we will have to combat sin and the temptation of it on a continual basis. We are living in a world full of darkness that is fighting to get at our souls. So it is important that we remember that just because we get saved we are not protected from the damages and weight of sin. We will need the Lord's help continually to be protected from that. I have listed below some ways that could help us all stay the course to becoming more Christ-like.
Prayer-Prayer can get you through some of the hardest times in your life. But prayer will also bring you closer to Him
God's Word-Reading and meditating on God's word is a good way to get His words ingrained into your soul and your daily life.
God's Word-Reading and meditating on God's word is a good way to get His words ingrained into your soul and your daily life.
Attending a Bible Based Church-Staying in constant contact and surrounding yourself with believers is another way to compound the effect of Jesus Christ in your life and strengthening you to remain in Him.
God wants us to depend on Him. He knows without Him we will not survive the evil that is lurking around every corner.